Don Hood

I am a planetary geoscientist that focuses on surface studies of rocky planets in our solar system. I graduated with my Ph.D. in Geology in 2019 from Louisiana State University and have since gone on to Texas A&M University, and Baylor University for my postdoctoral work.

I use primarily remote sensing datasets in my work, often combining multiple remote techniques to leverage their unique perspectives. I have experience analyzing chemical maps from Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectra as well as mineralogical maps from Thermal Infrared and Visibile to Near Infrared spectra. I combine these with insight from surface topography, traditional geologic mapping as well as surface imagery to carry out a variety of surface investigations. I particularly enjoy the kind of large-scale statistical work that can be done when the large volume of data returned from space missions is properly utilized.

Planetary Geoscientist, Image Analyst, and Remote Sensing Specialist

Image Credit:NASA/UA/JPL